Petter Reinholdtsen

All drones should be radio marked with what they do and who they belong to
21st November 2013

Drones, flying robots, are getting more and more popular. The most know ones are the killer drones used by some government to murder people they do not like without giving them the chance of a fair trial, but the technology have many good uses too, from mapping and forest maintenance to photography and search and rescue. I am sure it is just a question of time before "bad drones" are in the hands of private enterprises and not only state criminals but petty criminals too. The drone technology is very useful and very dangerous. To have some control over the use of drones, I agree with Daniel Suarez in his TED talk "The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot", where he suggested this little gem to keep the good while limiting the bad use of drones:

Each robot and drone should have a cryptographically signed I.D. burned in at the factory that can be used to track its movement through public spaces. We have license plates on cars, tail numbers on aircraft. This is no different. And every citizen should be able to download an app that shows the population of drones and autonomous vehicles moving through public spaces around them, both right now and historically. And civic leaders should deploy sensors and civic drones to detect rogue drones, and instead of sending killer drones of their own up to shoot them down, they should notify humans to their presence. And in certain very high-security areas, perhaps civic drones would snare them and drag them off to a bomb disposal facility.

But notice, this is more an immune system than a weapons system. It would allow us to avail ourselves of the use of autonomous vehicles and drones while still preserving our open, civil society.

The key is that every citizen should be able to read the radio beacons sent from the drones in the area, to be able to check both the government and others use of drones. For such control to be effective, everyone must be able to do it. What should such beacon contain? At least formal owner, purpose, contact information and GPS location. Probably also the origin and target position of the current flight. And perhaps some registration number to be able to look up the drone in a central database tracking their movement. Robots should not have privacy. It is people who need privacy.

Tags: english, robot, sikkerhet, surveillance.

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