Petter Reinholdtsen

Automatic proxy configuration with Debian Edu / Skolelinux
13th February 2012

New in the Squeeze version of Debian Edu / Skolelinux is the ability for clients to automatically configure their proxy settings based on their environment. We want all systems on the client to use the WPAD based proxy definition fetched from http://wpad/wpad.dat, to allow sites to control the proxy setting from a central place and make sure clients do not have hard coded proxy settings. The schools can change the global proxy setting by editing tjener:/etc/debian-edu/www/wpad.dat and the change propagate to all Debian Edu clients in the network.

The problem is that some systems do not understand the WPAD system. In other words, how do one get from a WPAD file like this (this is a simple one, they can run arbitrary code):

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
   if (!isResolvable(host) ||
       isPlainHostName(host) ||
       dnsDomainIs(host, ".intern"))
      return "DIRECT";
      return "PROXY webcache:3128; DIRECT";

to a proxy setting in the process environment looking like this:


To do this conversion I developed a perl script that will execute the javascript fragment in the WPAD file and return the proxy that would be used for, and insert this extracted proxy URL in /etc/environment and /etc/apt/apt.conf. The perl script wpad-extract work just fine in Squeeze, but in Wheezy the library it need to run the javascript code is no longer able to build because the C library it depended on is now a C++ library. I hope someone find a solution to that problem before Wheezy is frozen. An alternative would be for us to rewrite wpad-extract to use some other javascript library currently working in Wheezy, but no known alternative is known at the moment.

This automatic proxy system allow the roaming workstation (aka laptop) setup in Debian Edu/Squeeze to use the proxy when the laptop is connected to the backbone network in a Debian Edu setup, and to automatically use any proxy present and announced using the WPAD feature when it is connected to other networks. And if no proxy is announced, direct connections will be used instead.

Silently using a proxy announced on the network might be a privacy or security problem. But those controlling DHCP and DNS on a network could just as easily set up a transparent proxy, and force all HTTP and FTP connections to use a proxy anyway, so I consider that distinction to be academic. If you are afraid of using the wrong proxy, you should avoid connecting to the network in question in the first place. In Debian Edu, the proxy setup is updated using dhcp and ifupdown hooks, to make sure the configuration is updated every time the network setup changes.

The WPAD system is documented in a IETF draft and a Wikipedia page for those that want to learn more.

Tags: debian edu, english.

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