Petter Reinholdtsen

Broken hard link handling with sshfs
30th August 2010

Just got an email from Tobias Gruetzmacher as a followup on my previous post about sshfs. He reported another problem with sshfs. It fail to handle hard links properly. A simple way to spot this is to look at the . and .. entries in the directory tree. These should have a link count >1, but on sshfs the count is 1. I just tested to see what happen when trying to hardlink, and this fail as well:

% ln foo bar
ln: creating hard link `bar' => `foo': Function not implemented

I have not yet found time to implement a test for this in my file system test code, but believe having working hard links is useful to avoid surprised unix programs. Not as useful as working file locking and symlinks, which are required to get a working desktop, but useful nevertheless. :)

The latest version of the file system test code is available via git from

Tags: debian edu, english, nuug.

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