Petter Reinholdtsen

First version of a Perl library to control the Spykee robot
9th October 2010

This summer I got the chance to buy cheap Spykee robots, and since then I have worked on getting Linux software in place to control them. The firmware for the robot is available from the producer, and using that source it was trivial to figure out the protocol specification. I've started on a perl library to control it, and made some demo programs using this perl library to allow one to control the robots.

The library is quite functional already, and capable of controlling the driving, fetching video, uploading MP3s and play them. There are a few less important features too.

Since a few weeks ago, I ran out of time to spend on this project, but I never got around to releasing the current source. I decided today that it was time to do something about it, and uploaded the source to my Debian package store at

Because it was simpler for me, I made a Debian package and published the source and deb. If you got a spykee robot, grab the source or binary package:

If you are interested in helping out with developing this library, please let me know.

Tags: english, nuug, robot.

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