Petter Reinholdtsen

Ruling ignored our objections to the seizure of (#domstolkontroll)
13th February 2017

A few days ago, we received the ruling from my day in court. The case in question is a challenge of the seizure of the DNS domain The ruling simply did not mention most of our arguments, and seemed to take everything ØKOKRIM said at face value, ignoring our demonstration and explanations. But it is hard to tell for sure, as we still have not seen most of the documents in the case and thus were unprepared and unable to contradict several of the claims made in court by the opposition. We are considering an appeal, but it is partly a question of funding, as it is costing us quite a bit to pay for our lawyer. If you want to help, please donate to the NUUG defense fund.

The details of the case, as far as we know it, is available in Norwegian from the NUUG blog. This also include the ruling itself.

Tags: english, nuug, offentlig innsyn, opphavsrett.

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