Petter Reinholdtsen

What is the most supported MIME type in Debian in 2018?
9th July 2018

Five years ago, I measured what the most supported MIME type in Debian was, by analysing the desktop files in all packages in the archive. Since then, the DEP-11 AppStream system has been put into production, making the task a lot easier. This made me want to repeat the measurement, to see how much things changed. Here are the new numbers, for unstable only this time:

Debian Unstable:

  count MIME type
  ----- -----------------------
     56 image/jpeg
     55 image/png
     49 image/tiff
     48 image/gif
     39 image/bmp
     38 text/plain
     37 audio/mpeg
     34 application/ogg
     33 audio/x-flac
     32 audio/x-mp3
     30 audio/x-wav
     30 audio/x-vorbis+ogg
     29 image/x-portable-pixmap
     27 inode/directory
     27 image/x-portable-bitmap
     27 audio/x-mpeg
     26 application/x-ogg
     25 audio/x-mpegurl
     25 audio/ogg
     24 text/html

The list was created like this using a sid chroot: "cat /var/lib/apt/lists/*sid*_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz| zcat | awk '/^ - \S+\/\S+$/ {print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20"

It is interesting to see how image formats have passed text/plain as the most announced supported MIME type. These days, thanks to the AppStream system, if you run into a file format you do not know, and want to figure out which packages support the format, you can find the MIME type of the file using "file --mime <filename>", and then look up all packages announcing support for this format in their AppStream metadata (XML or .desktop file) using "appstreamcli what-provides mimetype <mime-type>. For example if you, like me, want to know which packages support inode/directory, you can get a list like this:

% appstreamcli what-provides mimetype inode/directory | grep Package: | sort
Package: anjuta
Package: audacious
Package: baobab
Package: cervisia
Package: chirp
Package: dolphin
Package: doublecmd-common
Package: easytag
Package: enlightenment
Package: ephoto
Package: filelight
Package: gwenview
Package: k4dirstat
Package: kaffeine
Package: kdesvn
Package: kid3
Package: kid3-qt
Package: nautilus
Package: nemo
Package: pcmanfm
Package: pcmanfm-qt
Package: qweborf
Package: ranger
Package: sirikali
Package: spacefm
Package: spacefm
Package: vifm

Using the same method, I can quickly discover that the Sketchup file format is not yet supported by any package in Debian:

% appstreamcli what-provides mimetype  application/vnd.sketchup.skp
Could not find component providing 'mimetype::application/vnd.sketchup.skp'.

Yesterday I used it to figure out which packages support the STL 3D format:

% appstreamcli what-provides mimetype  application/sla|grep Package
Package: cura
Package: meshlab
Package: printrun

PS: A new version of Cura was uploaded to Debian yesterday.

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Tags: debian, english, isenkram.

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