Petter Reinholdtsen

How to use the Signal app if you only have a land line (ie no mobile phone)
3rd July 2016

For a while now, I have wanted to test the Signal app, as it is said to provide end to end encrypted communication and several of my friends and family are already using it. As I by choice do not own a mobile phone, this proved to be harder than expected. And I wanted to have the source of the client and know that it was the code used on my machine. But yesterday I managed to get it working. I used the Github source, compared it to the source in the Signal Chrome app available from the Chrome web store, applied patches to use the production Signal servers, started the app and asked for the hidden "register without a smart phone" form. Here is the recipe how I did it.

First, I fetched the Signal desktop source from Github, using

git clone

Next, I patched the source to use the production servers, to be able to talk to other Signal users:

cat <<EOF | patch -p0
diff -ur ./js/background.js userdata/Default/Extensions/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk/0.15.0_0/js/background.js
--- ./js/background.js  2016-06-29 13:43:15.630344628 +0200
+++ userdata/Default/Extensions/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk/0.15.0_0/js/background.js    2016-06-29 14:06:29.530300934 +0200
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-    var SERVER_URL = '';
+    var SERVER_URL = '';
     var messageReceiver;
     window.getSocketStatus = function() {
         if (messageReceiver) {
diff -ur ./js/expire.js userdata/Default/Extensions/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk/0.15.0_0/js/expire.js
--- ./js/expire.js      2016-06-29 13:43:15.630344628 +0200
+++ userdata/Default/Extensions/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk/0.15.0_0/js/expire.js2016-06-29 14:06:29.530300934 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;(function() {
     'use strict';
-    var BUILD_EXPIRATION = 0;
+    var BUILD_EXPIRATION = 1474492690000;
     window.extension = window.extension || {};

The first part is changing the servers, and the second is updating an expiration timestamp. This timestamp need to be updated regularly. It is set 90 days in the future by the build process (Gruntfile.js). The value is seconds since 1970 times 1000, as far as I can tell.

Based on a tip and good help from the #nuug IRC channel, I wrote a script to launch Signal in Chromium.

cd $(dirname $0)
mkdir -p userdata
exec chromium \
  --proxy-server="socks://localhost:9050" \
  --user-data-dir=`pwd`/userdata --load-and-launch-app=`pwd`

The script start the app and configure Chromium to use the Tor SOCKS5 proxy to make sure those controlling the Signal servers (today Amazon and Whisper Systems) as well as those listening on the lines will have a harder time location my laptop based on the Signal connections if they use source IP address.

When the script starts, one need to follow the instructions under "Standalone Registration" in the file in the git repository. I right clicked on the Signal window to get up the Chromium debugging tool, visited the 'Console' tab and wrote 'extension.install("standalone")' on the console prompt to get the registration form. Then I entered by land line phone number and pressed 'Call'. 5 seconds later the phone rang and a robot voice repeated the verification code three times. After entering the number into the verification code field in the form, I could start using Signal from my laptop.

As far as I can tell, The Signal app will leak who is talking to whom and thus who know who to those controlling the central server, but such leakage is hard to avoid with a centrally controlled server setup. It is something to keep in mind when using Signal - the content of your chats are harder to intercept, but the meta data exposing your contact network is available to people you do not know. So better than many options, but not great. And sadly the usage is connected to my land line, thus allowing those controlling the server to associate it to my home and person. I would prefer it if only those I knew could tell who I was on Signal. There are options avoiding such information leakage, but most of my friends are not using them, so I am stuck with Signal for now.

Update 2017-01-10: There is an updated blog post on this topic in Experience and updated recipe for using the Signal app without a mobile phone.

Tags: debian, english, sikkerhet, surveillance.

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