Petter Reinholdtsen

Entries tagged "opensnitch".

What did I learn from OpenSnitch this summer?
11th June 2023

With yesterdays release of Debian 12 Bookworm, I am happy to know the the interactive application firewall OpenSnitch is available for a wider audience. I have been running it for a few weeks now, and have been surprised about some of the programs connecting to the Internet. Some programs are obviously calling out from my machine, like the NTP network based clock adjusting system and Tor to reach other Tor clients, but others were more dubious. For example, the KDE Window manager try to look up the host name in DNS, for no apparent reason, but if this lookup is blocked the KDE desktop get periodically stuck when I use it. Another surprise was how much Firefox call home directly to, and, to mention a few, when I visit other web pages. This direct connection happen even if I told Firefox to always use a proxy, and the proxy setting is ignored for this traffic. Other surprising connections come from audacity and dirmngr (I do not use Gnome). It took some trial and error to get a good default set of permissions. Without it, I would get popups asking for permissions at any time, also the most inconvenient ones where I am in the middle of a time sensitive gaming session.

I suspect some application developers should rethink when then need to use network connections or DNS lookups, and recommend testing OpenSnitch (only apt install opensnitch away in Debian Bookworm) to locate and report any surprising Internet connections on your desktop machine.

At the moment the upstream developer and Debian package maintainer is working on making the system more reliable in Debian, by enabling the eBPF kernel module to track processes and connections instead of depending in content in /proc/. This should enter unstable fairly soon.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Update 2023-06-12: I got a tip about a list of privacy issues in Free Software and the #debian-privacy IRC channel discussing these topics.

Tags: debian, english, opensnitch.
OpenSnitch in Debian ready for prime time
13th May 2023

A bit delayed, the interactive application firewall OpenSnitch package in Debian now got the latest fixes ready for Debian Bookworm. Because it depend on a package missing on some architectures, the autopkgtest check of the testing migration script did not understand that the tests were actually working, so the migration was delayed. A bug in the package dependencies is also fixed, so those installing the firewall package (opensnitch) now also get the GUI admin tool (python3-opensnitch-ui) installed by default. I am very grateful to Gustavo Iñiguez Goya for his work on getting the package ready for Debian Bookworm.

Armed with this package I have discovered some surprising connections from programs I believed were able to work completly offline, and it has already proven its worth, at least to me. If you too want to get more familiar with the kind of programs using Internett connections on your machine, I recommend testing apt install opensnitch in Bookworm and see what you think.

The package is still not able to build its eBPF module within Debian. Not sure how much work it would be to get it working, but suspect some kernel related packages need to be extended with more header files to get it working.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english, opensnitch.
OpenSnitch available in Debian Sid and Bookworm
25th February 2023

Thanks to the efforts of the OpenSnitch lead developer Gustavo Iñiguez Goya allowing me to sponsor the upload, the interactive application firewall OpenSnitch is now available in Debian Testing, soon to become the next stable release of Debian.

This is a package which set up a network firewall on one or more machines, which is controlled by a graphical user interface that will ask the user if a program should be allowed to connect to the local network or the Internet. If some background daemon is trying to dial home, it can be blocked from doing so with a simple mouse click, or by default simply by not doing anything when the GUI question dialog pop up. A list of all programs discovered using the network is provided in the GUI, giving the user an overview of how the machine(s) programs use the network.

OpenSnitch was uploaded for NEW processing about a month ago, and I had little hope of it getting accepted and shaping up in time for the package freeze, but the Debian ftpmasters proved to be amazingly quick at checking out the package and it was accepted into the archive about week after the first upload. It is now team maintained under the Go language team umbrella. A few fixes to the default setup is only in Sid, and should migrate to Testing/Bookworm in a week.

During testing I ran into an issue with Minecraft server broadcasts disappearing, which was quickly resolved by the developer with a patch and a proposed configuration change. I've been told this was caused by the Debian packages default use if /proc/ information to track down kernel status, instead of the newer eBPF module that can be used. The reason is simply that upstream and I have failed to find a way to build the eBPF modules for OpenSnitch without a complete configured Linux kernel source tree, which as far as we can tell is unavailable as a build dependency in Debian. We tried unsuccessfully so far to use the kernel-headers package. It would be great if someone could provide some clues how to build eBPF modules on build daemons in Debian, possibly without the full kernel source.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english, opensnitch.
Opensnitch, the application level interactive firewall, heading into the Debian archive
22nd January 2023

While reading a blog post claiming MacOS X recently started scanning local files and reporting information about them to Apple, even on a machine where all such callback features had been disabled, I came across a description of the Little Snitch application for MacOS X. It seemed like a very nice tool to have in the tool box, and I decided to see if something similar was available for Linux.

It did not take long to find the OpenSnitch package, which has been in development since 2017, and now is in version 1.5.0. It has had a request for Debian packaging since 2018, but no-one completed the job so far. Just for fun, I decided to see if I could help, and I was very happy to discover that upstream want a Debian package too.

After struggling a bit with getting the program to run, figuring out building Go programs (and a little failed detour to look at eBPF builds too - help needed), I am very happy to report that I am sponsoring upstream to maintain the package in Debian, and it has since this morning been waiting in NEW for the ftpmasters to have a look. Perhaps it can get into the archive in time for the Bookworm release?

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english, opensnitch.

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