Petter Reinholdtsen

Masteroppgave fra UiO om RFID-sikkerhet
18th January 2011

Mens jeg forsetter famlingen rundt i RFID-verden, kom jeg over en masteroppgave fra Institutt for Informatikk ved Universitetet i Oslo med tittelen "Investigation of security features in Near-field communication (NFC)" og følgende oppsummering:

With the increasing use of NFC and RFID technology it is important to look at the security, both for the user and for the system owner to see that the system is reliable. NFC is a standard inheriting some of the RFID standards and it is important to see how the old standards have handled security and how it is handled in NFC. There are certain RFID systems that are already in use, which is especially close to NFC. For example is Mifare a system used in many public transportation systems as ticket and in contactless access cards. Another example is electronic passports which uses a standard which is included in NFC. Examining the security in these and also investigate the use of NFC tags to make secure use of them is the focus in this thesis.

Rapportens analyse av MiFare Classic, som tilfeldigvis er systemet som brukes Universitetet i Oslos nye student- og ansattkort, er spesielt interessant for meg som jobber her. Sikkerheten i MiFare Classic ble reversutviklet og problemene i sikkerheten presentert for CCC i 2007. Det er i dag mulig å klone slike kort.

Oppdatering 2015-01-14: URL-en til masteroppgaven fungerte ikke lenger. Oppdatert til en som virker.

Tags: norsk, personvern, rfid.

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