Petter Reinholdtsen

Frikart - Free Garmin maps for European countries based on OpenStreetmap
15th February 2013

If you, like me, want an updated a map for your Garmin GPS, there is now a great source of free maps available from Frikart. To download a map, just click on the country you are interested in, and download the map type you want. There are 8 different maps available, using different colours and data selection. Pick one of Roadmap, Topo Summer, Topo Winter, Roadmap II, Topo Summer II, Topo Winter II, "Trails - overlay map" and "Cross country - overlay map" (see the web page for descriptions).

The maps are updated weekly, so if you find something wrong in the map you can just edit the OpenStreetmap map source (anyone can contribute) and fetch a fixed map a week later. :)

Tags: english, kart.

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