Petter Reinholdtsen

MPEG-LA mener NRK må ha avtale med dem for å kringkaste og publisere H.264-video
28th June 2012

Etter at NRK nektet å spore opp eventuell avtale med MPEG-LA eller andre om bruk av MPEG/H.264-video etter at jeg ba om innsyn i slike avtaler, tenkte jeg at i stedet for å forsøke å få NRK til å finne en slik avtale, så burde det være like enkelt å spørre MPEG-LA om de hadde avtale med NRK. Spørsmålet ble sendt før jeg fikk tips fra Kieran Kunhya om hvor listen over lisensinnehavere "in Good Standing" befant seg. MPEG-LA svarte meg i dag, og kan fortelle at NRK ikke har noen avtale med dem, så da er i det minste det slått fast. Ikke overraskende mener MPEG-LA at det trengs en avtale med MPEG-LA for å streame H.264, men deres rammer er jo rettstilstanden i USA og ikke Norge. Jeg tar dermed den delen av svaret med en klype salt. Jeg er dermed fortsatt ikke klok på om det trengs en avtale, og hvis det trengs en avtale her i Norge, heller ikke sikker på om NRK har en avtale med noen andre enn MPEG-LA som gjør at de ikke trenger avtale direkte med MPEG-LA. Jeg håper NRKs jurister har vurdert dette, og at det er mulig å få tilgang til vurderingen uansett om de trenger en avtale eller ikke.

Her er epostutvekslingen med MPEG-LA så langt. Håper ikke utvekslingen fører til NRK plutselig får en litt uventet pakke fra MPEG-LA.

Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:29:37 +0200
From: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere (at)>
To: licensing-web (at)
Subject: Do NRK have a license agreement with MPEG-LA?

Hi. I have a small question for you, that I hope it is OK that I ask.

Is there any license agreements between MPEG-LA and NRK, <URL: >, the Norwegian national broadcasting cooperation? I am not sure if they need one, and am just curious if such agreeement exist.

The postal address is

Postbox 8500, Majorstuen
0340 Oslo

if it make it easier for you to locate such agreement.

Can you tell me how many entities in Norway have an agreement with MPEG-LA, and the name of these entities?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

I dag, to dager senere, fikk jeg følgende svar:

Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 14:11:17 +0000
From: Ryan Rodriguez <RRodriguez (at)>
To: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere (at)>
CC: MD Administration <MDAdministration (at)>
Subject: RE: Do NRK have a license agreement with MPEG-LA?

Dear Mr. Reinholdtsen,

Thank you for your message and for your interest in MPEG LA. We appreciate hearing from you and I will be happy to assist you.

To begin, I will assume that you are referring to AVC/H.264 technology in your message below, as this technology is commonly used in the transmission of video content. In that case, please allow me to briefly summarize the coverage provided by our AVC Patent Portfolio License.

Our AVC License provides coverage for end products and video services that make use of AVC/H.264 technology. Accordingly, the party offering such end products and video to End Users concludes the AVC License and is responsible for paying the applicable royalties associated with the end products/video they offer.

While the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation (NRK) is not currently a Licensee to MPEG LA's AVC License (or any other Portfolio License offered by MPEG LA), if NRK offers AVC Video to End Users for remuneration (for example, Title-by-Title, Subscription, Free Television, or Internet Broadcast AVC Video), then NRK will need to conclude the AVC License and may be responsible for paying applicable royalties associated with the AVC Video it distributes.

Today I will send you a FedEx package containing a copy of our AVC License for your review. You should receive the License document within the next few days.

Meanwhile, MPEG LA currently has several Norwegian Licensees that can be found under the "Licensees" header within the respective portion of our website. For example, you may find our list of Licensees in Good Standing to our AVC License in the AVC portion of our website,

I hope the above information is helpful. If you have additional questions or need further assistance with the AVC License, please feel free to contact me directly. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Best regards,


Ryan M. Rodriguez
Licensing Associate
5425 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 801
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone: +1 (301) 986-6660 x211
Fax: +1 (301) 986-8575
Email: rrodriguez (at)

Meldingen om utsendt FedEx-pakke var så merkelig at jeg øyeblikkelig sendte svar tilbake og spurte hva i alle dager han mente, da han jo ikke hadde fått noen postadresse som nådde meg.

Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 16:36:15 +0200
From: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere (at)>
To: Ryan Rodriguez <RRodriguez (at)>
Cc: MD Administration <MDAdministration (at)>
Subject: Re: Do NRK have a license agreement with MPEG-LA?

[Ryan Rodriguez]
> Dear Mr. Reinholdtsen,

Thank you for your quick reply.

> Today I will send you a FedEx package containing a copy of our AVC
> License for your review. You should receive the License document
> within the next few days.

The part about sending a FedEx package confused me, though. I did not
give you my address, nor am I associated with NRK in any way, so I hope
you did not try to send me a package using the address of NRK. If you
would send me the Internet address of to the document, it would be more
useful to me to be able to download it as an electronic document.

> Meanwhile, MPEG LA currently has several Norwegian Licensees that can
> be found under the "Licensees" header within the respective portion
> of our website. For example, you may find our list of Licensees in
> Good Standing to our AVC License in the AVC portion of our website,

How can I recognize the Norwegian licensees?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

Selv om jeg svarte kun noen minutter etter at jeg fikk eposten fra MPEG-LA, fikk jeg eposten under som automatisk var beskjed på min siste epost. Får håpe noen likevel følger opp "FedEx-pakken". For å øke sjansen for at noen revurderer utsending av pakke uten mottaker, videresendte jeg min epost til swolf (at), så får vi se. Har ikke hørt noe mer 3 timer senere, så jeg mistenker at ingen leste min epost tidsnok.

Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 14:36:20 +0000
From: Ryan Rodriguez <RRodriguez (at)>
To: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere (at)>
Subject: Automatic reply: Do NRK have a license agreement with MPEG-LA?

Thank you for your message.

I will be out of the office until Thursday, July 5 and will respond to all messages upon my return. If this is a matter that requires immediate attention, please contact Sidney Wolf (swolf (at)

Best regards,


Ryan M. Rodriguez
Licensing Associate

Litt klokere, men fortsatt ikke klok på mitt opprinnelige spørsmål, som er om en trenger avtale med MPEG-LA for å publisere eller kringkaste H.264-video i Norge.

Tags: h264, multimedia, norsk, opphavsrett, standard, video, web.

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