Petter Reinholdtsen

The 2024 LinuxCNC Norwegian developer gathering
31st May 2024

The LinuxCNC project is still going strong. And I believe this great software system for numerical control of machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters, routers, cutting machines, robots and hexapods, would do even better with more in-person developer gatherings, so we plan to organise such gathering this summer too.

The Norwegian LinuxCNC developer gathering take place the weekend Friday July 5th to 7th this year, and is open for everyone interested in contributing to LinuxCNC and free software manufacturing. Up to date information about the gathering can be found in the developer mailing list thread where the gathering was announced. Thanks to the good people at Debian as well as leftover money from last years gathering from Redpill-Linpro and NUUG Foundation, we have enough sponsor funds to pay for food, and probably also shelter for the people traveling from afar to join us. If you would like to join the gathering, get in touch and add your details on the pad.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english, linuxcnc.

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